UMUU Ensemble presents a selection of early experimental works by Gavin Bryars. In the spirit of postmodernism, the music challenges notions of authority, self-expression and virtuosity in a good-natured and humorous.
Eero Ignatius
Mikko Innanen
Petri Kumela
Juho Laitinen
Marvellous aphorisms are scattered richly throughout these pages (1969)
Pre-medieval metrics (1970)
The squirrel and the rickety-rackety bridge (1972)
1, 2, 1–2–3–4 (1971)
free entry, programs 10€ at the door
Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin
Aikaisempi tapahtuma: 21. lokakuuta
Workshop: Experimental guitar music by Gavin Bryars
Myöhempi tapahtuma: 4. marraskuuta
A haunting spectre