Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin

X Kallio New Music Days

  • Konepajan Bruno 17A Aleksis Kivis gata Helsingfors, 00510 Finland (kartta)

Beloved classics of the avantgarde and other not-new music

FRIDAY 18.1.2019 klo 18–22

Phill Niblock: Music and Film

UMUU Ensemble with friends

No melody, no rhythm, no bullshit.

Phill Niblock (b. 1933) slipped into art via photography he produced at recording sessions by Duke Ellington ja Charles Mingus. After getting into experimental film Niblock started his massive series The Movement of People Working that brings to fore the aesthetic qualities of repetitious and deliberate manual labour.

By 1968 Phill Niblock had figured out what kind of music he wanted to compose and how. These monolithic works fill the performance space with glistering microtonal clusters. A purifying listening experience.

SATURDAY 19.1.2019

at 18:00
A Socratic Evening

John Cage: Cheap Imitation (1969/1977)
Erik Satie: Socrate (1918)

Olga Heikkilä, soprano
Seppo Kantonen, Yamaha YC-20
Teija Kivinen, violin
Juho Laitinen, Minimoog
Jouko Laivuori, Roland Jupiter-8

Composed for the salon of Princess de Polignac, Erik Satie’s redefinition of “symphonic drama” paints a white, intimate picture of possibly the most important philosopher of the Western culture.

After being refused performing rights by publisher Eschig for an arrangement John Cage had made of Socrate, he kept Satie’s rhythms but substituted pitches by means of I Ching. Cheap Imitation became a favourite work of Cage’s: “If [by making this piece] my ideas have sank into confusion, I owe that confusion to love… Satie is indispensable.”

We imitate further by arranging Satie’s score for three classic synthesizers.

at 20:30
A Shamanistic Evening

John Luther Adams: Ilimaq (2012)

Kalle Hakosalo, percussion instruments
Tuukka Tervo, sound technician

In the Alaskan Inuit tradition the shaman rides the sound of the drum into the spiritual world. Ilimaq is a “journey of the spirit” onto the primitive and ritualistic sources of resonance and rhythm.

SUNDAY 20.1.2019

at 15
Anarchy for Children and Adults

Frederic Rzewski: Les moutons de Panurge (1969)

Play and art originate in an anarchistic creative force. This performance for 0–115 -olds is geared towards enjoying that power.

To play Frederic Rzewski’s The muttons of Panurge abilities on an instrument are not necessary. Everyone regardless of background and talent is welcome to chime in. Those who know how to play can bring their instruments and everyone else is free to bang and clank on household utensils and other sonic devices to their heart’s extent. Empty juice cans are exploded. Beach balls are thrown about. Drawing is an option, too, if easier going is desired.

The session lasts for about 30 minutes and is preceded by instructions. Afterwards there is juice and cookies, on the house. Feel free to bring your own picnic, too.

at 18
An Everyday Opera

Tim Parkinson: Time with people (2012)

in collaboration with Tampere University and Theatre Academy

Tim Parkinson is part of a dedicated group of friends composing and performing experimental music in Great Britain. Parkinson attempts to “reconstruct music from the ground up”. He is influenced by Satie and Cage.

Time with people is an opera for soloists and chorus. The distinction between art and reality is blurred in an investigation of the common roots of play, song, game and exercise.

festival pass 50/35€
individual concerts 15/10€ (Sunday at 15 is free for all)

Sold at Tiketti and Konepajan Bruno from December onwards

Aikaisempi tapahtuma: 26. marraskuuta
An evening with entrophy
Myöhempi tapahtuma: 21. maaliskuuta
Marco Fusi (Italy) // UMUU plays Pisaro