Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin

A Tulkinnanvaraista mini-festival

  • Korjaamo Cultural Factory 10 Töölönkatu Helsinki, 00100 Finland (kartta)

The Tulkinnanvaraista mini-festival at Korjaamo Culture Factory presents an international selection of great performers of experimental music.

Belgian guitarist Nico Couck, a member of the innovative Champ D'Action ensemble, investigates possibilities in movement, exposed as physical energy, texture of sound and the relationship between performer and instrument. American bassist George Cremaschi resides in Czech Republic and works particularly with free improvisation and extended techniques. His compositions hover about music, sound art and noise.

Swiss Christian Kobi is interested in the saxophone's "inner sound". A multitude of extended techniques bring to fore the natural resonance and dynamism of the instrument. American Charlie Morrow, who lives in Finland, performs "dream songs" as well as sound and conceptual art. From Switzerland comes also Marianne Schuppe, who will perform Morton Feldman's utterly amazing vocal work Three Voices.

Due to unfortuned illness Christian Kobi will not be performing at Tulkinnanvaraista mini-festival. Instead we will hear a performance by Juho Laitinen. Laitinen presents an ephemeral musical moment and a piece by Tristan Perich that examines the counterpoint of man and machine, as the cellist plays along with a self-made 1-bit electroacoustic system.

Nico Couck (Belgium), electric guitar
George Cremaschi (USA/Czech Republic), double bass and electronics
Christian Kobi (Switzerland), saxophone CANCELLED!
Charlie Morrow (USA), voice
Marianne Schuppe (Switzerland), voice
Juho Laitinen, cello and electronics

Tickets: 10€, 20€ or 30€. Pay what you wish.

Charlie Morrow, one of the Tulkinnanvaraista mini-festival performers, holds a chanting workshop at Sibelius Academy's Wegelius hall on Monday, November 7 at 4 - 5.30pm (address: Töölönkatu 28, Helsinki). The workshop is open to the public.

According to Morrow chant song is a timeless and universal activity and works ritually to reach special states of mind and body. Morrow states that all the material is part of his effort to enter into that basic communication common to primitive, folk, child and crosscultural sound making. 

The chanting workshop will be held in collaboration with Sibelius Academy. Material for the workshop can be downloaded from the link below.

Aikaisempi tapahtuma: 2. marraskuuta
A Song of Being There
Myöhempi tapahtuma: 13. joulukuuta
UMUU: La forza del destino